Sri Sadguru Devay Namah
Vandana Bhashya
Prathama vandau guru carana
Jina agama gamya lakhayiya
Guru jnana dipa prakas'a kari,
pata kholi dars'a dikhayiya
Prathama- first , vandau- pray , jina- who, agama-beyond comprehension, gamya-experience, lakhayiya-shown, pata-curtain,cover, darasha-shown
First I pray at the feet of gurudeva who has shown and has made me experience the Supreme Soul who is beyond the comprehensive abilities of mind, speech and sensory perceptions. Gurudeva has lit the lamp of knowledge within me, removed the cover of nature(prakriti), thrown open the tenth door and made me experience directly the Supreme Being.
Jehi karane siddha pacei,
so guru krpa se payiya
Akaha murati amiya surati
tahi dekhi samayiya
jehi karane-in search of , siddha-medicants(tapasvis)who have accomplished siddhis and vibhutis(super natural power), pacei- tired of ,could not accomplish so-that,akaha-which can not be described,murati-form,amiya-nectar, surati-form,tahi- him,samayiya-entered
Many tapasvis(medicants) who have accomplished siddhis and vibhutis(super natural power)could not realise God and gave up their efforts. I have seen the Supreme Soul's form which cannot be described,which is pure nectar -and having seen Him, I have now entered the Supreme Soul.
Nitya anadi deva bandichora,
Sad guru cinmayam
Viveka nidhi dukha para maya
divya vapu karuna mayam.
Nitya = Eternal anadi = without begining, middle or end Deva = bestower of divine powers, Bandichora = redeemer from bondage Cinmayam = Conscious knowledgable form Vivek nidhi - Store house of knowledge Divya = Conscious Vapu = Body.
That eternal sadguru ( Nitya Anadi Sadguru) is without begining middle or end, ever present, omnipresent, bestower of divine powers. redeemer from all bondages for souls, is conscious entity with knowledgable form. He is the storehouse of all knowledge and science and is bestower of all knowledge. He is beyond all sorrows of nature, having concious body and is full of mercy.
Svachanda vis'va triloka manhi
bhramita hansana sukha mayam.
Karma bhrama ka kati fanda
deva pada amrta mayam.
Svachanda = Independent, without hindrance, Manhi =In Bhramita = Wanderer Hansan = Pure souls, Sukhamayam = Cause of bliss, Bhrama = Illusion
Fanda = Bondage Pada = Place, abod Amrtamayam = Concious nectar abode
Eternal guru ( Nitya Anadi Sadgur ) wanders, freely throughout the three lokas and bestows bliss to pure souls. He purifies the souls by teaching them spiritual path. He cuts the bondage of illusion and chains of karmas and takes the souls to the abode of nectar and pure conciousness.
Deha tava guna tattva nyari,
racita karata ki nahin.
Upades'a hita tana vividha dharyo
prakata caro yuga mahi.
Tava = Yours Guna = Gunas of prakriti, Satva, rajas, tamas. Tattva = akasa, vayu, agni, jala, prithvi Nyari = Different Karta = God Hita = for Tana = Body
Vividha = Manay Dharo = Asume Caro yuga = Sayayuga, Treta, Dwapra, Kaliyug,
Mahi = Earth
Hey Sadgura deva ! Your body is not made up of three gureas of prakriti or form the five tattavas and is different from them. Your body is not made by divine laws. You assume at will various bodies to bestow your divine teachings to souls in all the four yugas on this earth.
Ades'a saccidananda ka lei
mukti bhakti tattva kahi
Krta krtyata pada hansa dinha
Parama pada nija ghara rahi
Adesa = Order Saccidananda = Supreme loard Lei = On Kahi = Brought forth Krta krtyata = Glorified Pada = Place, abode dinha = Bestowed Parama pada = Abode beyond time
On the orders of Supreme Lord you brought forth the knowledge of bhakti (devotion) and mukti (liberation) with its external philosophical and internal practical form for benefit of all souls. You cleansed the souls to their pure form, made their human life full of glory and took them to the concious abode beyond time.
Siddhanta tava paracara hita
main bhaumi sare rami rahun
Jivan maya karma fande
sujhata na kitano kahun.
Siddhata=External phylosophical knowledge of Bramhavidya vihangam yoga and secret internal practical path Main=Abyasa siddha sadguru Sadafaldeoji
bhaumi= earth rami=wander jivana=living beings kitano=howevermuch
I (abhyasa siddha sadguru sadafaldeo)am wandering on this entire earth with your knowledge of Brahmavidya vihangam yoga with its external phylosophical knowledge and the secret internal practical path. Living beings inhabiting the earth are held in bondage and cannot see the correct path of liberation. However much I am telling them they are not accepting their plight.
Dhvaja sveta "aa" abheda ankita
visva faharane cahun
Agjna tumhari satya rakho
jana Sadafala pada gahun
"aa"abheda=secret symbol of Akshrabrahma ankita=engraved,written cahun=want rakho=keep jana=bhakta or devotee pada=feet gahun=hold
Hey Nitya Anadi Sadguru! (Eternal Sadguru) I want to unfurl the "aa" marked flag symbolising the secret Akshara Bramha(Cosmic Creator) throughout the world. You have ordered me to do it.Keep this order true and my pledge to fulfill your order is to be kept by you. Your bhakta (devotee) Sadafala is holding your feet with total surrender.
Sadguru pankaja carana raja
vandau parama punita
Jahi krpa bhava dukha mitei
bhakti milei satacita
pankaja=lotus raja=dust vandau=pray Param punita=very holy jahi=of which
bhava=worldly bhakti=total devotionsuch as what fish has with water satacita=to soul
I pray to the dust of lotus feet sadguru and am putting it on my head. Mercy of sadguru totally eradicates worldly pains and sorrows and soul gets attached to SupremeSoul with total devotion such as what fish has with water.
Moha punjatama jagata nisi
ravi guru vacana prakasa
Nija svarupa vastava milei
sarasabda kara vasa
Moha=illusion punja=cluster tama=darkness nisi=night ravi=sun vacana=order nija=our svarupa=concious form vastava=true sarasabda=supremesoul
In this illusionary world full of darkness ,order of sadguru acts as sun to remove the darkness of night. By following the order of sadguru, we realise our own true concious form and the soul experiences its direct existance within SupremeSoul.
Sara sabda guru eka hein
Yaamein bheida na maan
bheida maan bhava kupa pade
nirabhedi nirvana
Sara sabda=Supreme soul guru=sadguru yamein=between bheida=difference
bhava kupa = worldly abyss or well nirabhedi=does not differentiate
Supreme soul and Sadguru are one, do not differentiate between the two. Sadhaka(practioner)who makes distinction between Supreme soul and sadguru falls in the worldly abyss or well. bhakta or devotee who sees sadguru as manifestaion of Supreme soul gets liberated.Understanding Sadguru as Supreme soul and keeping unflinching devotion with total surrender is the correct intellect.
Namo brahma gurudeva
namo saba jagata adharam
Namo saccidanand
Namo sadguru bhava taram
Namo=pray to brahma gurudeva=brahma like sadguru jagata adharam=who sustains the entire cosmos saccidanand=truth conciosness bliss bhava taram=redeemer from the bondage of world
I pray to brahma like sadguru who sustains the entire cosmos,who is truth,consciousness and bliss, who is the redeemer from the bondage of the world. Bramha and Sadguru have the same form and have very close pemanent relationship. By praying to Sadguru as brahma form(or Godform) the desciple gets especial benefit.
Nomo suddha parabuddha
namo paramukta svabhavam
Namo guna atita
Namo nasaka bhava davam
suddha=pure consciousness parabuddha=pure knowledge paramukta=free from all bondages guna= gunas of prakriti-rajas sattava tamas atita=beyond nasaka=destroyer bhava davam=fires symbolising the world
I pray to sadguru who is pure consciousness,pure knowledge, free from all bondages,beyond the gunas of prakriti and destroyer of fires symbolising the world.
Namo akhanda pracanda
Namo prabhu maya param
Namo alekha adekha
Namo advaita akaram
akhanda=indivisible pracanda=all powerful maya param=beyond prakriti alekha=indescribable adekha=cannot be perceived through sense organsadvaita=incomparable with any entity akaram=form
I pray to brahma like sadgurudeva who is an endless entity , powerful without any limit,has endless qualities with endless domain of action.He is all powerful, beyond prakriti,indescribale,cannot be perceived through sense organs and is uncomparable concious entity.
Namo acintya aniha
Namo nihtatva svarupam
Namo anadi agadhi
namo nirvikara anupam
acintya=incomprehencible aniha=desireless nihtatva=Supremesoul anadi=without any biginning middle or end agadhi=unfathomable nirvikara=sinless anupam=incomparable
I prayto Godlike sadgurudeva who is incomprehensible,desireless,manifestation of Supremesoul,without any biginning,middle or end,unfathomable and is without any sin.
Namo isa jaga disa
Namo nasaka bhava kupam
Namo ajanma acheda
bheda tava veda so param
isa=Master jagadisa=masterof all creation bhava kupam=worldly well ajanma=who does not take birth acheda=indivisible bheda=sadhana of brahmavidya veda=Riga,Yajur, Atharva& Sama so=that param=beyond
Godlike Sadguru,you are master of all,master of all ceation,you are redeemer from this worldly well,you are free from birth and death,eternal and unchanging. You pervade all creation in indivisible form.Your sadhana of bramhavidya is extremely secret,it cannot be obtained or learnt by studing veda. Sadhana of Brahmavidya is learnt only by surrounding oneself to Sadguru,it cannot comprehended by studing all the spiritual texts.
Brahmavidya guru adi
anadi satata paracaram
Brahmadika nahin jana
bina tava krpa agaram
anadi=without bigining middle end satata=always paracaram=propagate the knowledge brahmadika=brahma vishnu mahesha krpa agaram=storehouse of mercy
Hey guru!, you are the eternal guru of brahmavidya. You propagate this knowledge for the benefit of all worldly souls. Even the trideva, bramhaa, vishnu and mahesha cannot have knowledge of this science without your mercy, what to tell about ordinary human beings.
Maya jala apara
bajhei tamei sansara
Sura nara muni gana yaksa
naga kinnara bahava dhara
Maya=nature,all inert objects jala=net apara=unfathomable bajhei=trapped tamei=in it Suru=devas nara=humans muni=philosophers yaksa=a kind of jeeva like devas kinnara=a gandharva like jeeva bahava=worldly ocean
Nature is manifested in all its various forms and all souls are trapped in the net of nature. Devas, humans ,philosophers, yaksa, kinnaras and all other types of beings are trapped in nature and are tossed in this worldly ocean. It seems to be very difficult for them to get out of this.
Sahata kasta bahutera
Karma aura bhram ke sadhe
Lakha caurasi yoni bharami
Jiva maya bandhe
bahutera=all efforts done at the level of four enert organs, ten pranas,eight chakras,nine doors bhram=illusion sadhe=effort lakha=hunder of thousands yoni=various bodies of the soul bharami=wondeder maya=nature,illusion bandhe=bondage
All efforts done by soul at the level of sensory organs, inert four organs, ten pranas,eight chakras are all karmas. All these efforts are illusions. It is impossible to realise God through these efforts. Supremesoul is beyond all manifestations of nature.Therefore all karmas bind the soul,make soul wander in varios bodies and suffer immense pain.
Sadguru dina dayala
jahi para kiripa kinha
Todi moha bhrama jala
amara pada pala mein dinha
dina=who surrenders jahi=on whom kiripa=mercy kinha=done amara pada=immortal abode or Supreme soul pala=moment,second
Sadgurudeva bestows mercy on those souls who surrender to him and he makes them realise Supremesoul in a moment and destroy their illusions. Sadguru is all merciful,shows mercy on all souls but those souls who surrender to him, he makes them realise the immortal abode in a moment.
Nirakara sakara para ho
satya nirdhara
Aja anadi guru deva
bheda turiya se nyara
Nirakara= formless sakara=with form para ho=beyond satya=changeless nirdhara=determined Aja=without birth Anadi=without beginning or end bheda=secret method of God realisation or secret sadhana turiya=a state reached in yoga where soul sheds off all its veils of nature and is manifested in its own concious self nyara=different
The secret path(method) of Eternal Sadguru is beyond the realm of Turiya state of consciousness.By following the concious path of Sadguru's vihangama yoga, the true form of Supreme Soul is seen which is beyond perceived notions of form or formless. In world there is no commonality of views with regard to form and formless.Supreme Soul is different from both,it has concious form which is directly perceived by souls.
Santana ke hita lagi
svstah nara dehi dhara
Sarasabda darasaya
Jagata sei hansa ubara.
Sanatana=saints hita=benefit,good lagi=for Swatah=by own naradeha=human body dhara=assume Srasabda=Supreme Soul dayasaya=shown hansa=pure form souls ubara=redeem
Eternal sadguru has taken human form for the benifit of saints and by his grace many pure souls have been blessed with darshan of Supremesoul and have been able to come out of this worldly ocean.
Gupta rahyo sansra
prakta anuragi payo
Bahutaka hansa cetana
jnana de loka pathayo
Gupta=hidden rahyo=was anuragi=devotee payo=blessed with bahutaka=many cetana=given knowlege loka=deathless abode pathyo=sent
Eternal Sadguru is everpresent in this world in unmanifested form. He manifests himself in front of pure devotees. He has given his knowledge in this way to many pure souls and had send them to deathless abode.
Vinvata dasa adhina
dina para daya kijai
Moha soka dukha dvanda
nasi prabhu nija pada dijai
Vinavata=pleeding dasa=servant adhina=surrendereddina=without ego daya=mercy moha=ignorancesokasorrowful due to loss of loved object dvanda=delima nija pada=own abode,deathless abode dijai=give,bestow
The surrendered egoless servant is pleeding. O Sadgurudeva have mercy on me and remove my ignorance, worldly sorrows and bestow me your own abode.
Kama krodha mada lobha moha
tama ghata andhiyara
Anubhava jnana prakasi
nasi bandhana chutakara
Kama=worldly desires krodha=anger, a state of reaction against opposition mada=ego lobha=greediness for worldly things moha tama=ignorance ghata=body andhiyara=darkness anubhava=experience jnana=realisation of SupremeSoul prakasi= enlightenment bandhana=cycle of birth and rebirth chutkara=free
Hey gurudeva! your servant is entangled in worldly desires, is full of anger, ego and greed and is engulfed in darkness. Enlighten him and let him realise the Supremesoul. Let the Supremesoul fill his life with light and free him from the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Jnana viraga viveka hina
main balaka bhora
sarana gire ki laja
rakhu karuna nidhi mora
jnana=correct knowledge viveka=descriminatory power to distinguish between correct and incorrect viraga=distaste for worldly things hina=deprived of bhora=innocent,ignorant karuna nidhi=merciful
Hey Sadgurudeva! this boy is not possesing qualities of correct knowledge or descriminatory power to distinguish between correct or incorrect, is not having distaste of worldly things and is ignorant. He has come to take refuge in you, O merciful redeem me.
Kami kutila labara
kumati visayan anurage
sadguna hina malina
kamana tana mana page
kami=entrapped in worldly pleasures and collection of worldly pleasures kutila=cheater labara=brag kumatiwrong intellect visayan=sensory pleasures anurage=entangled malina=dirty kamana=desires for sensory pleasures tanamana=body and mind page=filled with
Hey gurudeva! this servant of yours is entrapped in seeking worldly pleasures, is a lier, cheater with wrong intellect, is full of worldly sensory desires. Bereft of all good qualities and filled with all bad qualities with all desires of bodily and mental pleasures.
Nija avaguna kya kahun
jana saba antarayami
Kevala krpa kataksa
apake tarihon svami
Nija=own avaguna=bad qualities antarayami=one who knows inside out kevala=only krapa kataksa=mercyful glance tarihon=freed
Hey gurudeva!, you know me inside out, how do I explainto you my bad qualities,they are not hidden from you.I will attain freedom only from your merciful glance. Here the surrendered devotee is pleeding for the mercyful glance of gurudeva.He firmly believes that with so many bad qualities, he cannot get redeemed without the mercy of gurudeva.
Nahin kachu karma acara
yoga japa tapa nahin sadhon
Nahin mohi dusara asa
na dusara deva aradhon.
karma=good deed acara=behaviour yoga=rajayoga, hathayoga,mantrayoga,layayoga and different types of yoga practised at the level of nature japa=japa(repetition of name) done at the level of mind and speech tapa=penance sadhon=practise mohi=my aradhon= pray
O gurudeva, I do not do any good deed, nor do I do any japa, tapa or practice any yoga. I do not have any hope. I do not pray to any other god.
Kevala apa adhara
trahi main trahi pukaron
Main to dasa ajana
sarana main sarana ucaron
kevala=only apa=sadguru adhara=support trahi=protect ajana=ignorant
ucaron =say
Sadguru, you are my only support, protect me, protect me- this I am saying again and again. I am your ignorant servant. I have surrendered unto you, I have surrendered unto you.
Deva Sadafal dina
vinaya pani yuga jori
Vinaya as'a mama rakhu
dayamaya bandi chori
vinaya=prayer pani=hand yuga=both jori=folded mama=my rakhu=keep bandichori=redeemer from bondage
Hey Guru, I Sadafaldeo have surrendered to you and I am praying with both my hands folded. Keep hopes of my prayer with yourself. .Accept my prayers, hey merciful,hey redeemer from bondage.
Doha :- S'arana girai ki laja ko
rakhau krpa nidhan
bandha mohadika todiye
dehu bhakti mama prana
krapa nidhan= ocean of mercy bandha=bondage moha dik =desire or lust (kama), anger(krodha), greed(lobha) moha=attachment (matsarya), ego(mada) todiye= destroy
Hey master, I surrender unto you. You protect me from falling from grace. Banish my six bondages. Give me devotion as my life force.
Bhava nidhi agama apara hai
sujhe vara na par
nava kavata patavara nahin
kehi vidhi utaron par
Bhava nidhi= worldly ocean agama=limitless depth apara= which can not be crossed vara na para=endless
Hey gurudeva , this worldly ocean has limitless depth and is endless and cannot be crossed. I do not even have boat, a boatman (one who rows the boat) sail or any other means to cross this worldly ocean.
Bhakti jahaja carhayike
suje vara na par
nava kavata patavara nahin
kehi vidhi utaron par
Bhakti=pure devotion ke=by tatva jnana=theoretical knowledge patavar=sail which takes the boat in desired direction tarahu= cross sarasabda= Supreme Being nirdhara= without support
Hey gurudeva, please put me on the devotional ship whose sail is made of theoretical knowledge and which crosses the worldly ocean. Hey Supreme Lord, you who is the support of all and you are yourself wiyhout support,reddem me.
Bandau ve purusa ananda data
isa bhagavana prabhu maha
Jana krpa sagara bhakta vatsala
santi bhava traya dukha maha
Bandau= pray to ve=who ananda data=one who gives bliss isa= master bhagavana=who has all wealth prabhu maha=Supreme Lord who has all wealth jana=for devotees bhakta vatsala= who takes care of devotees as his children bhava= world traya dukha=three sorrows, sorrow due to body, sorrow due to divine law,sorrow due physical world maha=big
I pray toSupreme Lord who has all wealth, master of all, one who gives bliss, takes care of devotees as his children, protects them and removes all the three big sorrows.
Sanyoga nitya anadi raks'aka
srsti paralaya mukti mein
prabhu ko namah! prabhu ko namah!
prabhu ko namah! sadyukti mein
Sanyoga=joined nitya=always(beyond time) ever anadi=without biginning,middle or end pralaya= cosmic dissolution mukti=deathless abode namah=prayer sadyukti=by means of concious yoga
The Supremelord is always with us everywhere, at the time of creation of cosmos as well as at the time of its dissolution and all along he protecrs us. We pray to the Supremelord by means of concious yoga. Soul and Supremesoul are always everywhere together.At no point of time or in any state are they separated.Supremesoul resides within individual soul.
Acintya alakha adekha adbhuta
rupa saccidananda ju
Anupa aja advaita akala
aniha jana ura canda ju
Acintya=beyond intellect alakha=beyond the experience of sense organs adbhuta rupa= indescribale concious form saccidananda=manifestation of truth, conciousness and bliss ji=revential address anupa=incomparable aja=who does not take birth advaita=without parallel akala=indivisible aniha= without desire or desirelessness ura=heart (means within soul) canda=moon
The Supremelord is beyond intellect or thought,beyond the experience of sense organs, cannot be seen by physical means . He is indescribale,has concious formand is nanifestation of truth conciousness and bliss. Nothing is like him, he is indivisible without desire. He bestows moonlightlike cool light within the soul and is experienced as pure nectar bliss. Sadgurudeva is here describing the different qualitiesof Supremesoul.
Asima agama apara anubhava
para mukti bhukti mein
prabhu ko namah! prabhu ko namah!
prabhu ko namh sadyukti mein
Asima=endless without boundary anubhava para=which can be experienced agama=unfathomable apara= without boundary mukti=free state of soul which is achieved after God realization when soul resides in the lord bhukti=worldly utility
That SupremeLord is endless, without boundary, mukti=free state of soul which is achieved after Godrealization when soul resides in the lord bhukti=worldly utility
The Suprmelord is endless, without boundary, unfathomable, and is experienced by soul in worldly objects as well as other than worldly objects. Free souls actually see supreme soul inevery object inside out. After casting away their bodies such great souls reside in the divine concious form and continue to experience and see the lord. That is why in these lines Supremesoul is addressed here as beyond experience.
S'udda buddha mukta svabhava
bhagavan pahi jana main pahi main
Svayambhu caracara pranagati
prada pahi jana main pahi main
Suddha=free fromthe three attributes(nature), concious form buddha=omniscient pahi=protect us jana=devotee main=me svayambhu=who is not createdby anyone,who manifests on his own caracara=moving and nonmoving fixed and vegetational world pranagati prada=who revebrates the prana or the life force
Supremelord is free from the three attributes of prakriti(nature),is pure concious form and is omniscient. Lord protect us- the bondaged souls! protect us! Supremelord is not created by anyone, he is ever present wiyhout biginning or end. He is the one revebrates the life force in every animal and vegetation.Lord protect me.
Maya dukha rahita jana sukha
pradayaka pahi jana mainpahi main
Vyapaka vis'ambhara akhila jaga mein
pahi jana mainpahi main
Maya=any or every dukha rahita=sorrowless jana sukha pradayaka=bestows happiness to devotees vyapaka=which pervades all inert and concious objects and organisms vis'ambhara=who sustains the entire cosmos akhila jaga=entire cosmos
Supreme lord is without any sorrow and he bestows happiness to his devotees.Protect me! Supreme lord pervades all inert and concious objects and sustains the entire cosmos , provides food to all creatures from ant to elephant. Protect me (who is your devotee). Protect me!
Vis'vakarata deva prabhuvara
parama divya svarupa ju
Sarvajna sarva sas'akta avicala
akaha s'abda anupa ju
Visvakarta=creator of universe deva=one who gives divine powers prabhuvara=suprmelord or supremesoul,supremebeing paramdivya=supreme conciousness supreme subtle sarvajna=omiscient, one who knows all sarva sasakta=omnipotent avicala=stationary akaha= indescribale sabda=form of vibration anupa=incomparable
Supremelord the Supersoul is creator of the universe, he givesdivine powers, is Supreme entity, Supreme conciousness with concious form, omniscient, he is omnipotent, fixed, unchangeable, incomparable in sabda(vibrant) form. Here the divine attributes of the Supremesoul are being praised.As he pervades all, he is fixed as movement is related to objects which are confined within space. Onewho pervades everything in all time, how can he move from one place to another. that is why Supremesoul is fixed. Becuase he pervades all inert as well as concious objects that is why he is omniscient. All knowledge emerge from him only. He is Sabda form and heis directly percieved by the soul's concious faculty.
Karma kaya cid s'arana mein
Jivan dori tava dayi
Mana buddhi indriya ghira prakrti
adesa nayagati nija layi
Karma=all efforts by soul done at the level of prakriti(nature) kaya=body cida=concious soul jivana dori= life thread tava=you dayi= given ghira=covered adesa =order naya=take gati=action nija= own layi= taken
O Supreme lord, I am giving my entire effort, body, soul and life thread unto you, I am surrendering unto you. Iam actioning my mind intellect, organs and other physical coveringsthrough your order. Here the devotee is surrendering every thing he possess to the Supreme lord and is trying to channelise all his actions and efforts through the will of the Supremesoul.
Prakasa tere ravi prakas'ita
s'as'i prakasita s'reya nidhe
Vidyuta tara agina tava
parakas'a se hain gati sidhe
ravi=sun s'as'i= moon sreya nidhe= reservoir of mercy, vidyuta= lightening agina=fire gati=motion sidhe=virtue of
O reservoir of mercy Supremelord, you are Supremelight, by virtue of your light sun, moon and other heavenly bodies, fire and lightening are having light and are in motion. An infinitesimal fraction of Supremelord's light is withi all the bright objects and is proving them light. Supremelord is himself supremelight.
Sthavara jan gama vis'vamaya
parakas'a te prakas' tei
Alipta karma asanga jaga se
nija prakas'a prakas'a te
Sthavara=nonmoving objects jan gama=movable objects,all animals vis'vamaya=entire creations tei=your Alipta=separate or disassociated karma=all efforts at the level of prakriti asanga=separate jaga=world,creation nija=own prakasa te= lighted by
O Supremesoul! the entire ceation's nonmoving and moving objects are lighted by your light. You remain disassociated from the entire cosmos and light the entire cosmos from your light. The Supremelord never gets entangled with the ceation and remains separate from it.
Ajnana vas'a adhara prabhu taji
Patana mein jada tana liya
Pravrti visaya pravaha nana
karma sadhana bahu kiya
Ajnana=ignorance, bereft of knowledge vasa=in cotrol of adhara=support taji=left patana=fall jada tana=sthula(gross), sukshma(subtle), Karana(causal), Mahakarana(big causal), kaivalya( a state of conciousness where the soul the light of the lord as his own light) liya=taken possession of pravrti=tendencies and desires visaya=desires of nature pravaha= flow bahu=many
O lord! I have left your concious support due to ignorance, because of which I have fallen from your concious abode and I gradually took bodies of Kaivalya,Mahakarana, karana, skushma and sthula. Since then I have channelised my desires in search of worldly objects. Freedom(Mukti) is state of knowledge and even some faintest of illusion of assuming oneself(soul) as the creator causes the soul to be covered by ego, this is the Kaivalya body. When the ego becomes firmer then the soul takes on the Mahakarana body and gradually takes further the Karana, sukshma and sthula bodies. Now the soul is not in direct with the conciousness of the lord and between the soul and the lord these bodies of nature entangle the soul. Efforts of the soul through these gross appendages are called karmas. In these lines the soul is acceptingits mistakes and describing its pitiful state.
Karma bandhana bhoga yonina
vividha tana jaga bhrami raha
Prarthana prabhu ki s'arana mein
patiata pavana kari raha
bhoga yonina= 84 hundred thousand different bodies otherthan human body vividha=many bhrami=wonder patiata pavanaone who lifts the downtrodden, the Supremesoul kara= hand gaha=caught
O lord! I have performed actions held a hostage within the 84hundred thousand bodies in this universe and I now surrender unto you with prayers I admit my mistakes and I am burning inthe fire of self guilt. Catchhold my hands and support me.
Yadi hota mujha mein jnana prabhu
adhara kyon mukha feratei
Prakrtimaya trayatapa dukha se
hota bala cita ferate
hota=if prabhu adhara=concious support of Supreme Soul feratei=turn away prakrtimaya=worldly trayatapa=the three sorrows cita=conciousness ferate=reverse
O lord! If I only had knowledge why would I have turned away from your concious support. I would have instead reversed my flow of conciousness from worldly sorrows towards you. Here the soul is admitting its ignorance and is praying to the Supreme Soul to give him power to turn awayhis conciousness from worldly affairs towards the Lord.
Kitavat indriya sarasa rasa
yoni kyon badha jherate
Aya prabhu sudhi lehu jana ki
nada arata terate
kitavat=insect like indriya sarasa rasa=engrossed in sensous pleasures yoni=different bodies badha=bondage jherate=suffering aya=O sudhi=notice lehu=do take nada =call out arata=with sorrow terate=repeatedly call out
If I had knowledge why would I have taken been held as bondage insect like in this sorrowful cycle of birth and rebirth in various bodies. O lord! do take notice of me, I am calling out again and again.
Main dina prabhu tuma dina bandho
main s'arana tuma palaka
Main patita tuma patita pavana
main dukhi tuma ghalaka
dina=poor helpless at mercy of dina bandho= helper of the helpless pataka=one who takes care of patita=befallen patita pavana=who uplifts the befallen, one who cleanses ghalaka=who removes sorrow
O Lord! I am poor helpless and at your mercy, you take care of the befallen. I have taken your shelte, you take care of me. I have fallen in this deathabode after being separated from you. You will take care of befallen people like me, I am full of sorrow and you are the one who removes all sorrows
Sansara sagra agama dhara
dahata para daya nidhe
S'arana s'arana ananya gati prabhu
as'a bala kachu na nidhe
agama=unfathomable dahata=flow or current para=cross over daya nidhe=ocean of mercy ananya =other than you gati=support kachu=any nidhe=stores
O Lord! I am being swept away in this worldly ocean in its unfathomable flow or current. O ocean of mercy, take me out of this. I am in your shelter. I have no other support or hope from anyone other than you.
Mata tuma vara pita tuma ho
sakha bhrata tuma aho
Sarvajna guru acarya prabhu
nija s'oka jana kisase kahun
Mata=mother vara=all in all sakha friend bhrata= brother sarvajna=omniscient acarya=sadguru prabhu=Supreme Soul nija= my soka=sorrow
O Lord! you are my mother,father, friend and guide. You are my omniscient sadguru lord. Whom should I tell my sorrows to.
Karani hamari yadi vicaro
taba na main tuma yogya hun
Jana 'sadafal' as'aprabhu ki
kya kahun mana bhogya hun
Karani=work, deeds vicaro=think of mana bhogya=doing as per mind's dictates
O Lord! If you think of my deeds then you will find that I am not worth your favour. But your devotee Sadafal is humbly requesting that you are my only hop, what can I say. I am held hostage as per mind's dictates.
Mukti bhukti kya leunga
kya mangu jaga maan
S'arana s'arana main s'arana hun
bhakti daya karu dan
Mukti=freedom from all bondages bhukti=gratification of worldly objects jaga=worldly maan=respect bhakti=pure devotion daya=mercy
O Lord! I do not seek mukti(freedom from all bondages) nor doI seek gratification of worldly of worldly objects, respect from worl.I surrender unto you. Have mercy on me and give me pure devotion. Just as fish lives in water and life of fish is dependent totally on water so should I have devotion where my devotion is the cause for my existance.
Mukti sada mana bhavani
hansa vibho vijnan
Tadapi milei mohi bhakti vara
mina nira jimi prana
mana bhavani=pleasing to mind(liked by mind) hansa=pure concious state of soul vibho=omnipresent vijnan=special knowledge tadapi=but jimi=like
O Lord! Even thogh mukti is liked by all where the soul inits pure concious state is enjoying special knowledge and bliss in concact with the omnipresent concious Supreme soul, but I want pure devotion and love just as fish has love for water. The existance offish is derived from water. similarly my existance should be based on devotion to you. Mukti and bhakti are in same state but bhakti (pure devotion) is considered better than mukti as ther is a relationship of master and servant in bhakti and there is no possibility of any illusion entering the concious state of bhakti, whereas inmukti such a possibility may exist.
Maha prabhu mama atama
antara yami deva
Prema sadafala eka rasa
milei bhakti naya seva
Maha prabhu=Supreme soul mama-my atama= soul antarrayami=one who knows all, omniscient ekarasa=one form naya=humble seva=service
O Lord! You are omnicient innersoul within my soul. Grant me your devotion (bhakti), make me humble and bless me with your service.
Guru sisya hama prabhu ki s'arana mein
bhakti apani dijiye
Sighra prakrta traiguno ko
dura hamase kijiye
prakrta=nature traiguno=sattva, rajas and tama
O Lord! We the Guru and disciple both have given themselves unto you. Grant us your devotion and pure love. Banish the sattva, rajas and tama of nature from us.
S'isya guru mein prema s'anti
harsa vis'va uddhara mein
Yoga vidya niti bala ho
vitta bala upkara mein
harsa=joy vitta=wealth
The love between the Guru and sisya(disciple) should remainas it should be. Both should be having joy in serving the creatures of the world. We both should gain the strength of yoga, wealth and correct perception and utilize them for the benefit of all.
Atala nija karatavya path mein
sahasa bala dina dina barhe
Jijnasu hokar vis'va avei
karma gati hamase parhe
atala=steadfast path=pathway Jijnasu=seeker of sipiritualism karmagati=how to discharge duty parhe=learn
All the people of the world who are seeker of sipiritualism should come to us to learn the path of how to dicharge duty. We should be steadfast with our duties, should remain fearless and our strength should increase continously.
Jada loka cetana loka prabhu se
nahin kabhi abhimana ho
Vinati sadafala s'isya guru ki
prabhu daya sanman ho
Jada loka=world cetana loka=concious abode abhimana=proud sanman=prestiege
We must not get proud either in this material world nor in the concious abode, should remain humble everywhere. We should remain in the sublime shelter of the supremelord. Mercy of the lordis my presteige and we should not have any other wish.
Paravidya yoga durlabha
Manta v'sva uddhara ka
Prabhu gupta tatva so dina hamako
bhara jaga paracara ka
paravidya=spiritual knowledge yoga durlabha=brahmavidya vihangam yoga mantra=practice visva uddhara=benefit of the world gupta=secret tatva=knowledge so=that dinha=given bhara=responsibility
Brahmavidya vihangam yoga is extremely rare and secret practice which will benefit the entire world. Propagation of that knowledge is my responsibility which has been bestowed to me by the lord.
Adhikara manava jati isake
Prema dhara jina baha
Jijnasupana se deun s'iks'a
kari pariks'a rata raha
manavjati=all people of the world Prema dhara=one whose heart is filled with love jijnasupana=true seeker kari pariksa=after testing the capacity and capability of the seeker rata=engaged in
All people of the world irrespective of caste, creed country and sex are eligible tolearn this brahmavidya vihangam yoga. One whose heart is filled with love and is true seeker is tested for his capacity and capability and then initiated in this rare sublime knowledge , thereafter these people should thenget involved and engaged inthis path of yoga.
Dusta durjana jaga lutere
vighna kara upkara mein
atatayi badhaka raks'ason ko
kya karun isa bara mein
durjana=bad people lutere=robbers vighna=hinderances atatayi=tyrant badhaka= one who causes obstructions raks'ason= bad people
Bad people such as robbers, tyrants and those who cause obstructions are trying to create hurdles in the propagation of this knowledge. How should I deal with them in this birth. In my previous birth I had given them hard punishment.Tell me what should I do.
Inko suuddhi dei dayamaya
samajha mahima yoga ki
Nirvighna vis'va pracar ho
vinati sadafala yoga ki
Nirvighna= without obstruction
O mercyful Lord! Please give good intellect to these people so yhat they can understand the wonderful benefits of yoga. Sadafala is only praying that this wonderful path of yoga is propagated throughout the world.
Paravidya patra s'akha
fula fala vistar ho
Ananya gati ke kolahala
Paks'imaya sansar ho
Ananya gati= no other path or support kolahala= reverbrations of voice paks'imaya=full of practioners of vihangama yoga
This tree of paravidya should develop branches , leaves , flowers and fruits and all the practioners of vihangama yoga will come to ashramas which will reverbrate with their voices . Just like the birds chirp on the trees which creates a joyous sound. similarly the practioners of vihangama yoga will sing devotional songs,prayers and talk with each other and make the entire world filled with their joy.
Guru s'isya hamko fala pradayin
jnana sarva agar ho
Jana sadafala prabhu s'arana mein
Jivana prana adhar ho
fala=artha,dharma, kama moksa pradayin=grant jnanasarva=all knowledge nonspiritual and spiritual agar= store house
O Lord! You grant artha dharma kama moksa to both the guru and s'isya and fill us with all types of knowledge. Bhakti of the lord should be the life force of the bhakta Sadafala, such be your grace.
Prabhu kalpa santa samaja uttam
sarva dharmacarya hain
Jimi nadya as'rita sindhu ke hain
vis'va pathamaya karya hain
kalpa=kalpa tree, one who fulfills all desires santa samaja=followers of vihangama yoga uttam=best jimi=just like nadya=big rivers asrita=depend sindhu=sea visva pathmaya karya= the ability to perform every work skilfully
Lord! the organisation of vihangama yoga consisting of practioners, free souls,acaryas and updeshtas is empowered to fulfill all desires, wordly and spiritual of all region of the world. Just like all big rivers depend on sea for filling it with water so will this organisation of vihangama yoga fulfill all the works of the world in harmonious way. The source of fulfillment of all desires are spiritual, which will be fulfilled by this organisation.
Prabhu satya santa samaja tera.
apa raks'a kijiye.
Jana "sadafala" jnana bhakti,
Vrddhi dina dine kijiye
O Lord ! this organisationof saints is yours and it kwill remain steadfast as such. You protect this. Bhakata sadafala prays that you will increasing our knwoelde and bhakti towards yourself for ever.
sadguru bhatki se sadguru kripa drishti padati hai or fir nar narayan ke samksha ho jata hai...
ReplyDeleteIn the light there is Mercy, Forgiveness and Love
ReplyDeleteNever ever saw a prayer with such an indepth spiritual experiences